Kolmetz Handbook of Process Equipment Design
(Engineering Design Guidelines)KLM Technology Group has developed
Engineering Design Guidelines,
Project Engineering Technical Standards
Typical Unit Operating Manuals
Petrochemical Manufacturing Reports
to assist design engineers, operations and maintenance personnel in designing many of the equipment types in refining, off shore production and chemical plant unit operations.
Since 2007 we have been developing "Engineering Design Guidelines" to assist design engineers, operations and maintenance personnel in designing many of the equipment types in refining, off shore production and chemical plant unit operations. In 2014 we renamed the "Engineering Design Guidelines" to the "Kolmetz Handbook of Process Equipment Design". The value of the guidelines is the design details, followed by worked examples. The examples are then place in an excel spreadsheet.
Engineering Design Guidelines are typically a collection of multiple industry references which need to be reviewed by an operations personnel or design engineer when designing or specifying a piece of equipment such as a control valve, relief valve or heat exchanger.
The references at times can almost seem to contradicted each other. There is a vast amount of engineering hours spent each year in reviewing these industry references and very often no good recommendation is developed from the reference review.
To help simplify this process, we have reviewed the industry references and have developed guidelines for engineers to do Preliminary Designs and Process Specification Sheets. The final design must always be guaranteed for the service selected by the manufacturing vendor, but these guidelines will greatly reduce the amount of up front engineering hours that are required to develop the final design. The guidelines are a training tool for young engineers and a resource for engineers with experience.
There are some very low cost guidelines and programs, sometimes even free, provided by the equipment vendors. Let the buyer beware, many times these guidelines and programs tend to pick their brand as the best choice - good for the vendor, maybe not so good for the buyer.
Engineering Design Guidelines
Written Guideline of Design Basis
Introduction - An introduction which has an overview of each application - 3 to 10 pages.
Definitions - A list of definitions used in the industry and these guidelines - 1 to 3 pages.
Theory - The engineering fundamentals and principals that are used to design the particular piece of equipment - 5 to 60 pages.
Application - How the engineering fundamentals and principals are applied in the field, with an example of the design of the equipment - 5 to 20 pages.
Process Specification Sheet - For the designed equipment example a typical process data sheet is derived - 1 to 2 pages.
Excel Based Spreadsheet based on Written Guideline Content
The Excel Spread Sheets are based on the written guideline contents. They also include the designed equipment examples in the written content. There is one spread sheet with multiple work sheets tabs for the examples.
The introduction to each Engineering Design Guideline can be reviewed on the link below. Please contact us for ordering information and availability.
Current Guidelines (Currently 100+ and we are adding monthly)
One Engineering Design Guideline and Excel Spreadsheet - USD $799.95
If you buy Five or more Engineering Design Guidelines there is a 10% Discount
Five Engineering Design Guidelines USD $3599.95 (10% Discount)
Purchasing Guidelines
Engineering Equipment Fundamentals Group
1. Engineering Design Guidelines for Piping Fluid Flow Hydraulics Line Sizing and Material Selection
2. Engineering Design Guidelines for Piping Two Phase Fluid Flow Hydraulics Calculations
3. Engineering Design Guidelines for Piping Fluid Flow Hydraulic Surge Calculations
7. Engineering Design Guideline for General Instrumentation Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
8. Engineering Design Guidelines for Pressure Relief Valve Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
9. Engineering Design Guidelines for Pump Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
Pump Process Data Specification Sheet
10. Engineering Design Guidelines for Heat Exchanger Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
11. Engineering Design Guidelines for Compressor Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
12. Engineering Design Guidelines for Separation Vessels Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
13. Engineering Design Guidelines for Safety in Process Equipment Design
14. Engineering Design Guidelines for Safety Intergrity Levels in Equipment and Relieving Systems
15. Engineering Design Guidelines for Steam Turbines Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
16. Engineering Design Guidelines for Turbo Expanders Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooing
17. Engineering Design Guidelines for Filter Separtor Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
18. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Integration with Pinch Analysis
19. Engineering Design Guideline For Air Cooled Fin Fan Heat Exchangers Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
20. Engineering Design Guidelines for Plate Heat Exchangers Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
21. Engineering Design Guidelines for Cryogenic Heat Exchangers Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting22. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Flow Sheets
23. Engineering Design Guidelines for Statistical Process Control
24. Engineering Design Guidelines for Pressure Vessels
25. Engineering Design Guidelines for Isolation and Block Valves
26. Engineering Design Guidelines for Restriction Orfices Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
Engineering Equipment Systems Groups
30. Engineering Design Guidelines for Membrane Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
31. Engineering Design Guidelines for Static Mixer Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
32. Engineering Design Guidelines for Flare Selection,Sizing and Troubleshooting
33. Engineering Design Guidelines for Storage Tanks Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
37. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Control Concepts
38. Engineering Design Guidelines for Refrigeration Systems Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
39. Engineering Design Guidelines for Slug Catcher Units Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
40. Engineering Design Guidelines of HVAC Systems Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
41. Engineering Design Guidelines for Cooling Towers Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
46. Engineering Design Guidelines For Furnaces Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
46. Engineering Design Guidelines For Boiler Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
48. Engineering Design Guidelines for Coalescer Systems Selection Sizing and Troubleshooting 49. Engineering Design Guidelines for Crystallization Systems Selection Sizing and Troubleshooting 50. Engineering Design Guidelines for Catayst Systems Selection Sizing and Troubleshooting51. Engineering Design Guidelines for NOx Removal Units
52. Engineering Design Guidelines for General Plant Cost Estimating
53. Engineering Design Guidelines for Flare Knock Out Drums Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
54. Engineering Design Guidelines for Silencer Applications
55. Engineering Design Guidelines for Energy Management
56. Engineering Design Guidelines for Evaporation Systems
59. Engineering Design Guidelines for Water Treatment Units
65. Engineering Design Guidelines for Reactor Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
66. Engineering Design Guidelines for Pressure Vessel Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooing
67. Engineering Design Guidelines for Fuel Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
68. Engineering Design Guidelines for Plant Air Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
69. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Plant Layout Selection, and Sizing
70. Engineering Design Guidelines for Product Loading Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
71. Engineering Design Guidelines for Demister Pads Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
Petroleum Crude Oil Refining Systems Group
80. Engineering Design Guidelines for a Refinery Crude Tower Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
81. Engineering Design Guidelines for a Refinery Vacuum Tower Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
82. Engineering Design Guidelines for Refinery Furnaces Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
84. Engineering Design Guideline for Refinery FCC Units Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
85. Engineering Design Guideline for Refinery Alkylation Units
86. Engineering Design Guidelines for Hydrotreater Units Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
98. Engineering Design Guidelines for BTX Extraction Units Selection, Sizing, and Troubleshooting
90. Engineering Design Guidelines for Crude Oil Properties
91. Engineering Design Guidelines Introduction to Refining
Ethylene and Olefin Plant Systems Group
97. Engineering Design Guidelines for an Ethylene Plant Quench Water Tower Selection and Sizing
98. Engineering Design Guidelines for an Ethylene Plant C2 Splitter Selection and Sizing.
99. Engineering Design Guidelines for an Ethylene Plant C3 Splitter Selection and Sizing.
101. Engineering Design Guidelines for Spent Caustic Treatment Systems102. Engineering Design Guideline for Waste Water Stripper Columns Selection and Sizing
103. Engineering Design Guidelines for Hydrotreater Units Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
104. Engineering Design Guidelines for BTX Extraction Units Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
106. Engineering Design Guidelines for Refrigeration Systems Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
107. Engineering Design Guidelines for Cryogenic Heat Exchangers Selection, Sizing and Troubleshooting
108. Engineering Design Guidelines for Manufacturing Etheylene
Management Group
110. Engineering Design Guidelines for Project Management
111. Engineering Design Guidelines for Quality Control Management
112. Engineering Design Guidelines for Benchmarking of Process Units
113 Engineering Design Guidelines for Managing Project Teams
Sustainability / Environmental Group
115. Engineering Design Guidelines for Sustainability in the Proceeing Industry
117. Engineering Design Guidelines for Benchmarking of Process Units
Oleochemicals Group
120. Engineering Design Guidelines for Biodiesel Manufacturing
121. Engineering Design Guidelines for Palm Oil Manufacturing
122. Engineering Design Guidelines for Oleochemicals Manufacturing Units
Engineering Fundamentals Group
130. Engineering Design Guidelines for Solid and Fluid Mechanics
131. Engineering Design Guidelines for Engineering Materials and Their Strength
132. Engineering Design Guideline for Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
133. Engineering Design Guidelines for Engineering Ethics
134. Engineering Design Guideline for Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
135. Engineering Design Guideline for Physics and Electromagnetism
136. Engineering Design Guideline for Corrosion Theroy and Control
137. Engineering Design Guideline for Carbon Capture and Stroage
Engineering Knowledge Group
140. Engineering Design Guidelines for Introduction to Chemical Engineering
141. Engineering Design Guidelines for General Plant Cost Estimating
142. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Control
143. Engineering Design Guideline for Electrical Power Supply and Regulation
144. Engineering Fundamental Guideline for Electrical Circuits and Applications
145. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Equipment Troubleshooting
Engineering Safety Group
210. Engineering Design Guidelines for Safety in Process Equipment Design
211. Engineering Design Guidelines for Safety in Overpressure Reliving Systems
212. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Safety Management
213. Engineering Design Guidelines for Burner Management Systems
214. Engineering Design Guidelines for Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
215. Engineering Design Guidelines for Accidents / Incidents Investigation
216. Engineering Design Guidelines for Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
217. Engineering Design Guidelines for Safety Risk Management and Loss Prevention
218. Engineering Design Guidelines for Isolation and Safe Commissioning of Process Equipment
219. Engineering Design Guidelines for Facility Siting
220. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Plant Layout Selection, and Sizing
Natural Gas Group
301. Engineering Design Guidelines for Slug Catcher Units
305. Engineering Design Guidelines for Cryogenic Heat Exchangers Sizing and Selection
306. Engineering Design Guidelines for Refrigeration Systems
308. Engineering Design Guidelines for Mole Sieve Dehydration Systems
309. Engineering Design Guidelines for Gas Sweetening Systems
Specialty Units Group
351. Engineering Design Guideline for Air Separation Units
352. Engineering Design Guideline for Hydrotreater Units
356. Engineering Design Guidelines for Ethylene (Olefin) Units
357. Engineering Design Guidelines for Butadiene Extraction Units
358. Engineering Design Guidelines for Olefin C4 Derivative Units
359. Engineering Design Guidelines for EB/Styrene Units
360. Engineering Design Guidelines for Polyethylene Units
361. Engineering Design Guidelines for Polypropylene Units
362. Engineering Design Guidelines for Mercury Removal Units
363. Engineering Design Guidelines for Ammonia Units
364. Engineering Design Guidelines for 1-Butene Units
Facilities Group
401. Engineering Design Guidelines of HVAC Systems
402. Engineering Design Guidelines for Project Management
403. Engineering Design Guidelines for Quality Control Management
404. Engineering Design Guideline for Waste Water Treatment Units
405. Engineering Design Guidelines for Solid Waste Treatment
406. Engineering Design Guidelines for Cooling Towers Selection and Sizing
406. Engineering Design Guidelines for Energy Managment of Processing Plants
407. Engineering Design Guidelines for Energy Managment of Buildings
408. Engineering Design Guidelines for Process Plant Corrossion